Monthly Newsletter
Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
September 11, 2021

Meeting Conducted By: Rich Patterson

Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove

Number in Attendance: 11    Visitors: 1

Old Business:

The club had a good representation at the Wilson County/State Fair in August. It rained quite a bit and attendance was down, but overall it was a good fair.

New Business:

1. We welcomed a new member, Brian Bade, who is interested in learning relief carving. Brian initially met us at the fair and decided to join our club so welcome Brian!

2. Granville's Fall Celebration will be October 2nd this year and our club has been invited to be there to demonstrate our craft. We have three members who have committed to represent the club so far (Gene, Clark and Rich) and three others are possible. The club typically receives $50.00 for being there and we are free to sell our carvings while there. Be sure to let Rich know if you would like to attend.

3. Granville will be hosting an Arts and Crafts Festival every Wednesday through Saturday during the month of October. They are looking for participants and they will pay $35/day per person for anyone interested in demonstrating their craft. The hours are noon to 3:00p Wed - Friday and noon to 5:00 on Saturday. Perhaps we can get a couple of people together for a couple of days. Rich will see if there is any interest from club members.

4. The Wilson County Bank Oktoberfest is coming up next month (October 16-17). Matt indicated that he plans to be there and will bring his tent and all the tables we will need.

5. Classes/workshops/educational opportunities available -- For additional information, click on the "Events" button on the website.

Gary Falin -- Caricature carving. November 5-7 at the Leipers Fork Carving Club -- $165 plus roughout.
John Engler -- Relief carving. December 10 - 13 at the Leipers Fork Carving Club -- $175 for three days or $240 including the fourth (painting) day plus $40 for the board.
Gathering of Woodcarvers (GOW) Sandwich, IL October 1 - 3 -- $250.
Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup -- Caricature carving. October 18 - 22 Fiddlers Grove, Lebanon, TN -- $240 plus roughouts
6. We will meet in the Master Gardener's building for our Tuesday woodcarving gatherings -- this will begin on Tuesday, September 14th. We will meet from 1:00p to 4:00p each Tuesday when the building is not otherwise reserved. In the event that it is reserved, we will meet at a member's shop. Notification of any location changes will be sent to the membership via email.

7. Ernest suggested that we update our membership list -- Rich will begin working on a revision.

8. Gene suggested that we resume our "each one, teach one" sessions where a member discusses a carving hint, technique, or something we are doing that may be a help to other members. Each member would be responsible for a given month and would have up to about 15 minutes (can be less) to present their hint. If a member was uncomfortable about presenting, another member could present their idea for them. We will start that soon.

9. Dennis suggested that we do a class on sharpening tools at one of our Tuesday gatherings and we all thought it was a good idea. We decided to do a series of classes featuring one element of sharpening each month such as power sharpening, water stones, oil stones, diamond stones; sharpening "V" tools, "U gouges, regular gouges, knives, etc. etc. We decided to start these classes beginning January 2022. Gene, Clark and Ernest will spearhead this effort with a little help from their friends!

10. Patricia gave the treasurer's report -- the club's account balance is $1958.79.

Show & Tell

Five members had carvings to show at the meeting. Jon had intarsia whales mounted on a board from an old barn. He also had two Christmas Ornaments.

Dedee had four items that she entered in the Wilson County Fair competition. The Celtic knot pin won first place and the wood burnings and the wooden rabbit all won second place in their categories.

Butch carved a face in an old softball.

Hilda carved three Christmas ornaments.

Ernest carved a very detailed house that is hollowed out and has a light in it. He also had four spoons carved out of a variety of different woods and a welcome sign.

Items for Sale

Ernest Sherrill has a ceiling mounted dust collector for sale. He has only used it a few hours and will no longer be doing any wood turning so he will sell the dust collector for $100. The buyer must be able to pick it up from his home. If you are interested, contact Ernest via email at:

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